Friday, January 8, 2010

Some lessons learned so far

There is SO much more story to tell, but let me stop here and give some lessons learned.

I have learned to never stay in a job that makes me feel like I have sandpaper on my soul. The world of options is as vast as the sea.

I have learned that rules are for people who do not know what to do. Paths are for people who are lost. My task is to courageously travel where my heart leads me.

I have learned that I can talk myself out of, or into, anything if I do not acknowledge my fear. I now stop and ask myself if I want the part that of me that is afraid to make my decisions.

I have realized that I can always choose how to respond to a situation or person.

It is clear that I can spend time blaming the terre-world around. It is not fluid or supportive in the way the sea is. But blaming is a bad investment and keeps my soul from thriving.

I am a mer-person in a terre-world. That has been a choice. My job is to adapt and innovate...and stay true to myself.

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